1900-1901 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College. hi allowed to take any more studies than are catalogued for his class, unless he shall have made a general average grade of ninety-five per cent, the term previous. Studentsdesiringto enter the Senior Collegiate class will not be admitted with conditions. X I. Studeuts desiring to pursue one or more subjects less than a full course shall matriculate, and then attend such course as the faculty advise, but they will not be regarded as candidates for degrees. X I I . Students who wish to pursue studies in Elocution or Music,as well as in the College, but who are not studying for a degree, may select theirown studies, subject to the schedule of the term and the approval of the President. They will, however, be charged the regular rates of the departments in which they are classified. ADM ISS ION OP SPECIAL STUDENTS.