1900-1901 Academic Catalog
Oedarville College. ir> SENIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM. M ythology — Greece and Rome, Guerber. M athematics —Elements of Algebra Completed, Wentworth. L atin — Caesar and Prose Composition, Harper and Tolman. *G re £K— F irst Book, White. *G erman — Lessons, Curtis’ Collar-Eysenbach. SECOND TERM . E nglish — Rhetoric and Composition, Kellogg. M athematics —Plane Geometry, Wentworth. L atin —Vergil, Harper and Miller; Prose Composition, Jones. *G reek — First Book, White. ^G erman —Lessons, Curtis’ Collar-Eysenbach. third term . E nglish — Rhetoric and Composition, Kellogg. M athematics — Plaue and Solid Geometry, Wentworth. L atin —Vergil, Harper and Miller; Prose Composition, Jones, *GREEK-*-Anabasis and Prose Composition, Harper & Wallace. ^G erman — Lessons, Curtis' Collar Eysenbach. English Bible one hour each week during the year. *G reek for Classical Course; German for Philosophical Course
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