1900-1901 Academic Catalog

IS Cedarville College. JUNIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM . N aturae S cience — Zoology, Elements, Packard. P sychology —Elements of Intellectual Science, Porter. P hilology — Study of Words, Trench. *G reek —Demosthenes de Corona, D'Ooge. ^H istory — Civilization, Guizot-Knight. SECOND TERM . P olitical S cience — International Law, Davis. P sychology — Elements of Intellectual Science, Porter. E nglish —The Classics and Literature, Painter. *Git kek —Demosthenes de Corona, D’Ooge. *H istory — Philosophy, Seelye-Schwegler. THIRD TERM . L ogic —Elemen t.s, Jevons-Hi 1 N atural S cience —Geology, New Text Book, Dana. P sychology —Motive Powers, McCosh. *G reek —Prometheus, Wecktein-Allen. '^H istory —Philosophy, Seelye-Schwegler. English Bible one hour each week during the year. * Greek for Classical Course; History for Philosophical Course.