1900-1901 Academic Catalog
<ledarville College. 10 SENIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM . C hristian E thics , Moral Science, Alexander. N atural S cience —General Astronomy, Young. P hysics —P rinciples, Gage. |’ H istory —European. | or •JF rench —Lessous, Van Daell. | or i H ebrew — Inductive Method, Harper. SECOND TERM A pologetics —Natural Theology, Valentine. N atural S cience — General Astronomy, Young P hysics — Principles, Gage. f H istory —Muropean. | or -! F rench —Lessons, Vau Daell. I or I H ebrew —I nductive Method, Harper. third term . A pologetics - Evidences of Christianity, Alexander. S ociology — Small and and Vincent. P olitical S cience —Constitutional History, Andrews. f N atural S cience — Biology, Sedgwick and Wilson, or - F rench —Reader, Van Daell. or H ebrew — Inductive Method, Harper. English Bible one hour each week during the year.
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