1900-1901 Academic Catalog
Cedarville <hilego. .’J3 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. Miss B elle B eazell , D irector . This department is established to lay a thorough and broad foundation for the highest musical culture. The plan and course of study of the Cincinnati College of Music will lie fol lowed. Prof, Beazell, who has charge of this department, is a talented graduate of the Cincinnati College. She was given a gold medal for proficiency there. Her work al Cedarville College has been very successful. The department this year will include Piano, Violin, Vocal and Harmony. Grad uates of this department will be given a diploma. PIANO PORTE. FIRST YEAR. Lebert & Stark—Vol. 1. Doerner’s Technical Exercises. Small Studies o f Kohler. Couppey, Loeschern. Biehl, D iabelli. SECOND YEAR. Lebert and Stark—O rnam entation. T ech n ics—Continued; M ajor and M inor Scales, A rpegois, etc. Studies by Lem oine, A gility Studies: C/.ernv. Sonatinas o f Kuhlau, Clem enti, Bach A lbum , H eller, Op. 47 46, Loeschorn. THIRD YEAR. Technics— Gout iuued. Sonatas— Mozart, Clementi. Small Sonatas o f Beethoven, H aydn. Studies o f Harberier, Cramer; d em e n ti's Gradus. Pieces o f Handel. Bach Inventions, Heller, Op. 4G-45. FOURTH YEAR. Sonatas o f Beethoven. H ay d y’s Variations in P M inor. dementi’s Gradus—Continued. Mendelssohn’s Song W ithou t Words. B a ch—Well T em pered C lavichord. Modern Composers. One year in Harm ony required, w ith two lessons per week. Tw o years required with one lesson per week.
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