1900-1901 Academic Catalog

Cedarville <hilego. .’J3 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. Miss B elle B eazell , D irector . This department is established to lay a thorough and broad foundation for the highest musical culture. The plan and course of study of the Cincinnati College of Music will lie fol­ lowed. Prof, Beazell, who has charge of this department, is a talented graduate of the Cincinnati College. She was given a gold medal for proficiency there. Her work al Cedarville College has been very successful. The department this year will include Piano, Violin, Vocal and Harmony. Grad­ uates of this department will be given a diploma. PIANO PORTE. FIRST YEAR. Lebert & Stark—Vol. 1. Doerner’s Technical Exercises. Small Studies o f Kohler. Couppey, Loeschern. Biehl, D iabelli. SECOND YEAR. Lebert and Stark—O rnam entation. T ech n ics—Continued; M ajor and M inor Scales, A rpegois, etc. Studies by Lem oine, A gility Studies: C/.ernv. Sonatinas o f Kuhlau, Clem enti, Bach A lbum , H eller, Op. 47 46, Loeschorn. THIRD YEAR. Technics— Gout iuued. Sonatas— Mozart, Clementi. Small Sonatas o f Beethoven, H aydn. Studies o f Harberier, Cramer; d em e n ti's Gradus. Pieces o f Handel. Bach Inventions, Heller, Op. 4G-45. FOURTH YEAR. Sonatas o f Beethoven. H ay d y’s Variations in P M inor. dementi’s Gradus—Continued. Mendelssohn’s Song W ithou t Words. B a ch—Well T em pered C lavichord. Modern Composers. One year in Harm ony required, w ith two lessons per week. Tw o years required with one lesson per week.