1900-1901 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College. Some o f tlx* students on the follow ing list are conditioned in their class­ es. T h e official records are kept by the Secretary and the Registrar of Ihe Facu lty, and all students are to see them in regard to their standing. An y who neglect this do so at their own risk. LITERARY STUDENTS 0E THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. SENIOR CLASSICAL. Condon, Walter A vis.................................................... .Cedarville. Harper. James llohb Jamestown. II ilie. W illiam W allace Cedarville. Paul. Barnett McCleod Coulterville, III. U siiek , Nellie Fern Cedarville Y oung, Clarence Andrew . Cedarville. SENIOR PHILOSOPHICAL. Anderson. Cora Agnes Clifton. Coe, Lulu Mary ........................... Clifton. H opping, Sarail Elizabeth . .... Cedarville. Knott, Bertha Clifton. Knott. Mary Beatrice. ... .C lifton . Lewis. Nellie Byrd C lifton. Orr. Anna M\rlie Cedarville. Total IT JUNIOR CLASSICAL. Finney. Elkana ... Cedarville. G alhrealh. Robert C lyde Cedarville. George. John Cecil Cedarville. Harper. George Andrew Jamestown. McCown. Edward Calvin Cyruslon. Tenn. Wilson. Robert Bigham .... f edarville JUNIOR PH 11/ SOi IIICAI . Anderson J Fred Clifton. C oe. O live Davis Clifton. Total S. SOPHOMORI CLASSICAL. Crain. A Besse. Jamestown. Ervin. Mary Belle Cedarville. Henderson. H om er Iberia. Rambo. James P R ichm ond. Kans. Sterrell. E cho I) Cedarville SOPHOMORE PIIII O O I IIICAI.. R ife. Bertha C lifton. T ola I (». FKF.SIIMAX CLASSICAL. Alsup. Jam«*s . Cedarville. Andrew . Vera . * edarville.