1900-1901 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College. 37 MUS IC DEPAR TM EN T . PIANO. Andrew , V e r a ............................................................................... Cedarville. Hull, Karllt Cedarville. Conners. L illia n .................. Jamestown. Filson, Cornelia...........................................................................................................Xenia. George, Cecil Cedarville. Joues, Llweylln ....................................... South Charleston. Paullin, B ertha. ................................... Jamestown. Paullin, N ora.................................................. Jamestown. Paullin, B oth (voice pupil) .................. Jamestown. Walker, Bessie . . Jamestown. Siegler. Dora....................... Cedarville. Total 11. THEORY. George, Cecil ....................................... Cedarville. Paullin, N ora........................................................................... lamestown. Total 2. VIOLIN. Stewart, Frank...................................... Cedarville. Ervin, Frank...... Cedarville. Grit/. John Selma. Total 3. ELOCUT ION . Andrew , Vera .................................. Cedarville. t 'or. Lu lu ............................................................................................................... Clifton. Conners. C o rd e lia ........................... Jamestown. Ervin. Mary .....................................................................................................Cedarville. George, Cecil ... Cedarville. Harper. G e o rg e ........................ .... .... ........................ Jamestown. H opping, Bessie Cedarville. Lackey, Fa\ e . Jamestown. Lewis," Nellie C iifiou. McClellan, Irene Cedarville. Paul, Barnett McCleod Coulterville, III. Hamlin, Jam es............................................................................ B ichm ond. Kansas. Sellers. Bertha Selma. Sm ith. E le a n o r ...................... Cedarville. Slerrett, E ch o .............. Cedarville Turnbull. Nellie ........................... Jamestown. Y oung, Clarence .............................. Cedarville. Total 17. G EN E R A L STMM A ItV . Collegiate and Preparatory Departments 71. Music Department lb. Elocution. 17. Total in all Departments 104. Total in all Departments, cou nting none tw ice ......................... S4.
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