1900-1901 Academic Catalog
Tile UBRAPy HFTtf W \( a v |9 3 | 3 0112 105613589 jfolVhH^rr of Cedarville College. lu .JIS.________ ____ EXPENSES. Tuition—First term, 14 weeks...................................................................$ 8 00 Tuition—Second term, 11 weeks................................................................ 7 00 Tuition—Third term. 11 weeks................................................................. 7 00 Incidental Expenses ($1.50 per term) per annum................................... 4 50 Hoarding from $2.00 to $3.50 per week. Kooms from 50 cents to $1.00 per week. Hooks from $5.00 to $10.00 per year. Graduation fee $5.00, payable with tuition in Third Senior term. Fee for cost of materials, breakage, etc., in the study of chemistry $5.00. S ummary of E xpenses for a Y ear . Highest Lowest Necessary Cost. Cost. Boarding, 30 weeks, $2 to $3 per week......... ..... $ 72 00 $108 00 Room rent, 30 weeks, 50c to $1 per week........... 18 00 30 00 Tuition for the year........................................ ..... 22 00 22 00 Continent fees.................................................. ...... 4 50 4 50 Total............................................................ .....$110 50 $170 50 The above is for board, furnished room, fuel and light in private families. Students who board themselves or join boarding clubs can re duce the cost much lower. Club boarding is popular among college stu dents. HEQUESTS. We urge upon the friends of Cedarville College the propriety of remem bering it in their wills, and. if possible, of contributing to its endowment at once. We need $75,000. Sums of money or property, amounting to $500 or over, will be funded, if so desired, in the name of the giver, and tlie interest alone used. It will thus become a perpetual memorial. Twenty thousand dollars will establish a chair in the name of the donor. FORM OF BEQUEST. I give and bequeath to ‘‘The Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio," the sum of $ ......................... . tin? following property (here specify and describe the properly), for the uses and purposes for which said corporation is authorized by law to acquire and hold property, and the receipt of the Treasurer of said College shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor. For other particulars address, D avid M c K inney , I). I)., President, 1038 Wesley, Avc„ Cincinnati, O. or W. It. M c C hksnky , A. M., Secretary, Cedarville, ().
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