1901-1902 Academic Catalog

14 Cedarville College. OUTLINE OF STUDY. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. JUNIOR YEAR. First Term. English-Higher Lessons, Reed & Kellogg. History-General to Medi~val, l\lyers. Mathematics-Elements of Algebra, ·\iVent,;,,'orth. Latin-Foundations, Bennett; Grammar, Allen & Greenough. Second Term. English-Higher Lessons, Reed & Kellogg. History-General (Completed), l\Iyers. Mathematics-Elements of Algebra, Wentworth. Latin-Foundations, Bennett; Grar:imar, Allen & Greenough. Third Te rm. E11glish-Higher Lessons, Reed & Kellogg. Natural Science-Physical Geography, Davis. Afathe111atics-Elements of Algebra. vVentworth. Latin-C~sar, and Prose Composition, Harper & Tolman. English Bible one hour each week durin~ the yeJr.