1901-1902 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College . SEN I OR YEAR. F irst Term. ~Mythology-Greece and Rome, Guerber. Af athematics-Plane and Solid Geometry, Wentworth. Lati11-C:esar, and Prose Composition, Harper & Tolman. *Greek-First Book, White. *German-Lessons, Curtis' Collar-Eysenbach. Second Term. English-Rhetoric and Composition, Kellogg. }.f athematics-Plane Geometry, 'V>/ entworth. 15 Latin-\ T ergil, Harper and Iiller; Pros12 Composition, Jones. *Greek-First Book, White. *German-Le son , Curti ' Collar-Eysenbach. Third Term. English-Rhetoric and Composition, Kellogg. J1fathe111atics-Plane and Solid Geometry, \Ventworth. Latin-\'ergil, Harper and Miller: Prose Composition, Jones. *GrC'l'l?-.\naba i and Prose omposition, Harper & \ allace. *Ger111a11-Lessons, Curtis' Collar-Ey enbach. l<..ngli h Uible one hour each week <luring- the term. :1 ( ,reel ' fur 'las ical Course; Jerman for Philosophical our e.
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