1901-1902 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College. SOPHOMORE YEAR. First Term. 1Yat11ral Science-Chemistry, Briefer Course, Re11sen. ,11 athematics-Analytical Geometry, Loomis. Latin-Livy, Lord. ,:, Greek-Memorabilia, Winans. *German-Heine's Harzreise, Van Daell. Second Term. ~\Tatural Science-Chemistry, Briefe- Course, Remsen. ~u athe111atics-Analytical Geometry and Calculus, Loomis. Latin-Tacitus, Germania and Agnrnla, Allen. *Greek-Plato's Apology and Crito, Dyer. *Gcrman-Lessing's :Minna Yon Barnhelm, Lambert. Th ird Te rm. 17 Natural Scie1Zce-Chemistry, Laboratory Work,' Williams. J.,.,,-" Mathematzcs-Calculus, Loomis,L /Jati11 - J uvcnal, Lindsay./-- Creek- Plato's Apology and rito, Dyer. *C cr11w11- eidel' Leberecht Huehnchen, Bernhardt. l'. n••li h Bible one hour each ,veck during the year. · ( ,reel fur las ical our~c; 1erman for Philo ophical lour. c.
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