1901-1902 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College. 21 OPTIONAL STUDIES. Xo election of studies is permitted until the student reaches the enior Collegiate year. In the Senior year the student shall elect with the aid of the faculty, History, 1 atural Science, French, or Hebrew. Experience of the past as well as of the present abundantly prove that the Colleg~ Curriculum of studies dili– gently pur ued will produce better results than an optional course. LATIN , LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Special attention is given to the Roman 1ethod of pronunci– ation, to yntax, mythology, history and philology. The prin– ciple of the grammar must be thoroughly mastered; with the reading of the required course there is a constant, thorough drill of parsing, analysis, comparison and composition. A graded and systematic course in prose composition is begun in the Junior Preparatory year and extends to the F reshman Collegiate year. The Latin cour e extends through twelve full terms, and in the la t term each tudent in Latin will be requ ired to prepare a thesis upon some subject assigned by the professor. First Year.-The first two term are devoted to Bennett's Foundation , accompanied by the Grammar. In this time the student is expected to master the inflections, and to lay general foundations for the profitable reading of Latin. The third term's work consists of Cesar and composition . .'econd Year.-The first term includes the more rapid read– ing of Cesar, and the ma tery of entence order. The second and third terms are pent on Yergil's JEneicl, with special atten– tion to I\Iythology, Prosody and Syntax. Prose Composition i madl'. a prominent feature throughout the year. Third Year.-In the Freshman year icero' orations again t Catiline and Horace's Odes Epocles and Satire are tudied. Great l·ar, has ken ·x.ercisecl to select the be t te.·ts in these tudie . 'I he \\'()rl is progressive, and the student's mind is directed to J'(J111a11 History, Uratury, I\Iythology and Poetq. Inch of the
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