1901-1902 Academic Catalog
Cedarville Colle1;e. 27 physiological studies . Even those branches that deal with the phenomena of the material world exclusively must make their final appeal to psychology before they can be stamped with the seal of truth. During the Spring Term McCosh's "Motive Powers" is the text. ETHIC,:; AND ,CHRISTIAN SCIENCES. The whole Senior year is spe,nt in the study of Moral Science and Apologetics from theoretical and practical standpoints. Es– says are required and class discussion is encouraged. Both ancient and modern systems of philosophy are investigated. The course is pursued by the recitation and lecture method. The student is constantly urged to search present history and appeal to the data of moral conciousness. Alexander's Christian Ethics is the text in Moral Science, Gregory's Apologetics is the text in Evidences of Christianity and Valentine's in Natural Theology. The subjects of study in Apologetics are the Genuineness and Authenticity of the Scrip– tures, The Superiority of Christianity, The Inspiration of the Scriptures, The ature of God and His Existence. Moral Sci– ence presents the following tpemes : The ature of the Moral Agent, The 1 ature of Virtue, Freedom of Will, Conscience, Duties to God and to i\fan. To education is complete without a knowledge of these topics. HISTORY AND MYTHOLOGY. The course in History comprises: General History, ,History of Europe, History of Civilization and History of Philosophy. General History extends through two terms- lyers' being the text-book. The Philosophy of auses and Effects in History is freely discussed in connection with the relation of the facts them elve . '1 he History of Europe is mainly philo ophical, dealing with the gr at social movement that have affected European affairs <luring- the la. t five c nturies.
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