1901-1902 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College. 33 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. Miss BELLE BEAZELL Director . This department i established to lay a thorough and broad foundation for the highest musical culture. The plan and course of tudy of the Cincinnati College of )Iusic will be followed . Prof. Beazell, ,vho has charge of thi department, is a talented graduate of the Cincinnati College. he was given a gold medal for proficiency there. Her work at Cedarville College has been Yery succe sful. The department this year wil! include Piano, \ 'iolin, Yocal and Harmony. Graduate of this department will be given a diploma. PIANO FORTE. First Yea r. Lebert & Stark-Vol. 1. Doerner·s Technical Exercises. Small Studies of Kohler, Couppey, Loescuern, Biehl. DiabeJJi. Second Year. Lebert & Stark-Ornamentation. Technics-1..Jontinued; Major and Minor Scales , Arpegg10s, etc. Studies by Lemoine; Agility Studies: Czerny. Sonatinas of Kuh- lau, Clementi, Baeh Album, Heller, Op. 47-4 6, Loeschorn. Third Year. Technics-Continued. Sonatas-Mozart, Clementi. Small Sonatas of Beethoven, Haydn. Studies of Harberier, Cramer, Clementi's Gradus. Pieces of Han- d l. Bach Inventions, H ller, Op. 46-45. Fourth Year. Sonatas of Beethoyen. Haydn's Yariations in F 1inor. 'lementi's Gradus-Continued. , 1nidelssohn's Song \Vitbout \Vords. Bach \Ve11 Tempered ClaYicbord . :.1 odern Composers. Ou<> . •ar in Harmon~ rPquired , with b,·o lPssons per w ek. Two y<•a1·s requi1 eil with 01w lesson per WPelc