1901-1902 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College . 39 .. Commencement 1900. Bachelor of Arts. Condon, Walter Avis, Clerk in General Store . . .. .. ...... Cedarville. Harper, James Robb, Professor of English and Science in Cedarville College. Iliffe, Nilliam vVallace, Student in Reformed Presbyter ian Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. Paul, Barnett McCleod, Student in Reformed Presbyterian Theolog– ical Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. Ustick, Nellie Fern ..... . ..... . ................... . .... Cedarville. You::ig, Clarence Andrew, Student in Reformed Presbyterian Theolog– ical Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. Bachelor of Philosophy. Anderson, Cora Agnes . . . . . . ............................ Clifton. Coe, Lulu Mary .......................................... Clifton. Hopping, Sarah Elizabeth ............................... Cedarville. Knott, Bertha, Teacher .................................. Clifton. Knott, Mary Beatrice . . . . . . .............................. Clifton. Lewis, ellie Byrd . . . . . . ................................. Clifton. Orr, Anna Myrtle .................................... Cedarville. LITERARY SOCIETIES. The Philaclelphian Society wa organizecl 111 the fall of 189-4-. and th Philo ophic during the fall of 1895. Both ocietie haYe been makiticr . ucce . ful prog-re . Tht) occupy two large. well furni. hed halls in the third tor_) of th~ new coll ge building. 'l heir annual contest takes place at the close of the pring term. 'l hi i unc of thl' characteristic entertainments of the college. J t al\\ a,. give. \'igor and in piration to the literary student . ( Jne hal.f uf a true education consists in literary training. These oeietics are under the control of the -:tucl nts. Tims having the management in their own hands, the) \\ ill tend to de, elop ririginalit) and inclepl'tHlcnce of thouo-ht and actiun. During the pa t t",, , car.., the ucidic..., ban' hl'autifil'd thl'ir hall" at the e ·– Jll tt c of ,, cral hundrl'cl dollars.