1901-1902 Academic Catalog

i Cedarville College. TRUSTEES. Thoma Gibson, President of the Board ....... Cincinnati, 0. James D. Steele, Ph. D., Vice-President. ...... New York City. Thomas vVatters, D. D., Secretary .............. Pittsburg, Pa. H. H. l\lc Iillan, Treasurer ..................... Cedarville, 0. David l\lcKinney, D. D....................... Cincinnati, 0. James F. Morton, D. D....................... Cedarville, 0. I Richard Park .. i ,. / ••••••••• .'••••••••••••••• Cincinnati, 0. Robert A. Stevenson ......................... Pittsburg, Pa. James H. Creswell ........ ·................... Cedarville, 0. LOCAL ADYISORY BOARD. George W. Harper David S. Ervin Gibson. J. D. vVilliamson. J. C. Stormont Thompson Crawford. STAKDIXG CO:\ll\IITTEES. 1\lc:i\Iillan. Exerntive. Creswell. Finance. {':rih on. I11strnctio11. McKinney. 1\lc°:llillan. IcKinney. lorton. Steele. Watters. Parl'- Stevenson. Steele.