1902-1903 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. II ro. Punctual attendance is required on the first day. Failure to be present re ults seriously to class standing. Tew student are re– quested to be present them elyes, if possible, at least one day before the opening of the term. I I. The fee for examinations given by request at any other time than designated by the calendar, is 1.00 prepaid. 12. At the close of each term, statements with reference to the students' standing in classes, scholarship, attendance and deportment will be forwarded for examination to the parents or guardians. REQUIREnENTS FOR ADnlSSION. Any one ,-..,ho desires to enter either the Preparatory or Collegiate Department should read carefully the Special Rule and Statements, . hould examine the Cour es of Study in the Preparatory and Collegi– ate Departments, with the review of the departments of study and the follovd.ng statements. AGE. I. As a general rule, no student will be admitted to the Fresh– man Class unless fifteen years of age; nor will any one be admitted to advanced standing ·without corresponding increase of age. Under this rule students should be at least thirteen years of age for admission to the Junior Preparatory year. CO=EDUCATION. II. Experience has proved that the sexes should be educated together. It tends to higher culture, more refined tastes, and better order than where this priYilege is not granted. Accordingly students of 1Joth sexes are admitted under the rule adopted in 1894. ENROLLMENT AND CERTIFICATES. III. An applicant for admission to the Preparatory Department or to the Collegiate Department shall file with the President of the College on or before the op ning day of the Autumn term, September r 5, r902, a certificate from his or her principal instructor, containing a definite statement of subjects upon which a successful examination ha l,een passe<l.