1902-1903 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 17 DEPARTrIENTS OF STUDY. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT- LATIN . PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY. 1. Cicero-The Orations against Catiline, a Phillipic, and the Selected Letters are react A review of inflected forms and essays on contemporaneous subjects in history are required. Text-book is Kel'>ey. First term of the Fre hman Year. .Five lzours a week. 2 . Horace' .s Odes-The Odes are selected. Large portions of all the books will be read. l\Iythology and Scansion will be dwelt upon. Essays on all the Lyric poets of Rome will be required. The text-book is Shorey. Second term of the Freshman Year. Five lzou, s a week. 3. Horace' s Satires and Epistles-The Satires and Epistles are . tu<lied primarily for their moral and historidl lessons. The social and goyernmental life of the Romans v.,i.11 be reproduced in essays. The text-book is Kirkland. Third term of the Freshman Year. Five lzours a week. 4 . Livy-The Transition from the Golden to the Siker Age is t.wlied. A rapid re,·iew of Roman History and Syntax is taken. ~elections from books XXI and XXII are read. The text-book is Lincoln Fir t term of the Sophomore Year. Five hours a week. 5 Tacitus-The Life of AgTicola with its personal, moral and chic les on the History of Britain under the Romans, and the His– t.Or) of Germany are the subjects of study. The reyiew of the Latin < ,rammar is contmued. Text-book is Allen. Second term of the :-;upho111ore Y(::ar Five lzours a week. 6. Ju e nal-The Origin, DeYeloprnent and Purpose of the ~atin.', and the morals ancl customi; of the Roman people under the •mpire form the matter of stud). The text-book is Lindsay. Third t<:rm of the Freshman Year Five Jzours a week.
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