1902-1903 Academic Catalog

18 CEDARYU,LE COLI.EGE. In the term examinations of all Latin suhjects a translation from some pass.age not previously studied, and the explanation of its constructions, will be required. Daily exercises in composition will be given, illustrating the peculiarities of the author being studied. GREEK. PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY. PROFESSOR JURKAT. 7. Anabasis-The Anabasis is studied in the Freshman Year to establish the fundamental principles of Greek syntax. Daily drills are made on paradigms, constructions, words, history and the Greek army. Pearson's Composition is a companion. The text-book is Kelsey. First term of the Freshman Year. Five hours a week. 8. Homer-Three books of the Iliad are required. Scanning, 'Iythology, Peculiarities of the Dialects, Customs and Rites, and the Homeric Question are studied. The student is led to form a ta te for Homeric Literature. The text-book is Seymour. Pearson's Compo– sition is used. Second term of the Freshman Year. Five lzours a week. 9 . Herodotus-Selections are read. A review of the persons and nations mentioned in the subject is taken. Inflections and syntax are emphasized.• The text-book is Johnson. Pearson's Composition is used. Third term of the Freshman Year. Five hours a week. IO . rlemorabilia -The ::\Iemorabilia is introductory to the study of Plato. Participles are a feature of special drill. The Life and Teachings of Socrates and their Effect on Succeeding Ages are themes of study and essay writing. The te:,,._'t-book is \Yinans. Daily com– position. First term of the Sophomore Year. Five lzours a week. 11 . Plato-The Apology and Crito continue the stucly of Socrates. Grecian Philosophy is reviewed. The text-book is Dyer. Second and third terms of the Sophomore Year. Five hours a week. 12. Demosthenes-The Oration on the Crown i studied. Greek Oratory, Rhetoric and Argumentation are themes of i1westi– gation. Demosthenes is studied in comparison with other leading orators of the world. The text-book is D'Ooge. First and second terms of the Junior Year. Five hours a week. 13. Prometheus-Prometheus furnishes im·estigation of the Drama, Ietre, 1\1ythology, Style. Peculiar Forms and Expressions of