1902-1903 Academic Catalog

CEDARHLLE COLLEGE. 19 the ·work, together with Mrs. Browning's Translation are carefully tudied. The te1,.1:-book is Wecklein-Allen. The third term of the Junior Year. Five hours a week. Passage not previously studied ·will be required for translation and critical explanation in all Greek subjects in the term examina– tions. Grammatical drill throughout the course. PSYCHOLOGY, ETHICS AND APOLOGETICS. P ROFESSOR M CC HESNEY. P ROFESSOR SANDERSON. 14. Psychology-The relation of Psychology to other sciences, presentation and presentatiYe knowledge, sense-perception and con– sciou ness and a history of theories open the subject of Psychology. Required of Juniors. First term of the year. Five hours a week . 15. Psychology-Theories, Representation in its form of Mem– ory, Imagination and Phantasy ; Thought under the heads of the Concept, Judgment and Reasoning; and Intuitions such as the Real, Formal and Mathematical furnish the subjects of the second term. The text-book is Porter's Elements of Intellectual Science. The second term of the Junior Year. Five hours a week. 16 . Psychology-A. review of consciousness, perception, repre– sentation, thought and intuition. Studies in the emotions and the will. DaYis is the text this year. References to leading works. Third term of Junior Year. Five hours a week. 17. Christian Ethics-Practical and Theoretical Ethics will recei,·e attention. ''ir ue, ,Yill, Freedom, Duty, Guides of Practice; IndiYi<1ual and Social Ethics are tuclied. Text-book is Gregory. J<irst term of the Senior Year. Five hours a week. 1 • Apologetics-_ 'alural Theology presents the Re,·elation of God in •'ature. The arguments of Ontology, Causation, Teleology, History all(l Moral Reason are i1westigated. Text-book is Valentine . ... econ<l term of the Senior Year. Five lzours a week. 19. Apologetics-Rationality of Christianity, ComparatiYe Re– lihrion, Inspiration, Genuineness, Authenticity, Internal and External I~vidences, and the Canonicity of the Scriptures ar studied. The te ·t i .\lexander. Third term of Senior Year. Five hottrs a week.