1902-1903 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE C OLLEGE. 2I 26. English Literature-This course offers studies in Milton, Dryden, Addison, Pope, Burns, Goldsmith, Johuson, Scott, Byron, ,,Tordsworth and Tennyson. Second term of the Junior Year. Five hours a week. 27. English Literature-A course in American lit erature ac– companied by English works not pursued in courses 24 and 25 is open to those who haye COJ1!pleted the former courses. Comparative study will be a feature of the whole English course, and essays v;ri.11 be re– quired from time to time. Second term of the Senior Year. Five hours a week. 28. Logic-JeYons'-Hill's text is used in Logic. Much stress and time are put upon the Syllogisms, Fallacies, Induction, Deduction and Practical Examples. Third term of the Junior Year. Five hours a week. POLITICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY. P ROFESSOR ANDERSON. PROFESSOR H ARPER. 29. Political Economy-Economics, Wealth, Labor and Capi– tal, the Tariff, the Money Problem and Banking are features of the course. The student is niade familiar with the economical problems and needs of the day. Text-book is Ely. Third term of the Fresh– man Year. Five hours a week. 30. International Law-The study pursues the origin, progress and principles of International law, together w-ith the duties of con- uls, ministers, ambassadors and the rights and relations of nations. Arbitration, treaties, war and commerce are practical subjects. The text-book is Davis. Second term of the Junior Year. Five hours a week. 31. Constitutional" Law-The rnited States' Constitution is the lJasis of study. The deYelopment of the constitution, its general and special application, and the relation of the State to the federal goyern– ment are considered. Text-hook, Andrews-Morris. Third term of the Senior Year. Five hours a week. 32. Sociology-This course treats of the Origin and Scope of , ociolog-y, the :Natural History of a Society, Social Anatomy, Social Ph) siolo}..,ry, Patholog) and Social Psychology. The text-bo k i Small and "\'incent. First term of the Senior Year. Five hottr s a week.