1902-1903 Academic Catalog
22 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. ELECTIVES. PROFESSOR ANDERSON. 33. The State-In the second and third terms of the Sopho– more year \\'ilson 's text-book, '' The State,'' is offered as an Elective for Calculus. This treats of a deYelopment of the constitutions of the leading powers of the world, and comprises an invaluable store of political and social science. All electives are subject to the consent of the faculty and the majority of the classes. Five hours a week. MATHEMATICS. PROFESSOR ANDERSON. 34. Geometry-This course completes Solid Geometry and Conic Sections. A large number of original exercises is giYen in order to cultivate the power of applying principles and methods already learned, and to aid the student in the mastery of his own resources. Text used is\\ entworth's Revised Plane and Solid Geometry. First term of Freshman Year. Five lzours a w eek. 35. Plane Trigonometry-The points dwelt upon especially are general definitions of trigonometric functions, the relation of func– tions, formulae and the solution of trianrrles. A working knowledge of logarithms is taught in connection with the solution of triangles. Text is \Ventworth's ew Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. Second term of Freshman Year. Five lzours a week. 36. Spherical Trigonometry-The same text is continued. This course includes the solution of spherical triangles, and the appli– cation of principles to geodetic and astronomical problems. Third term of the Freshman Year. Five hours a week 37. Analytical Geometry-In this course is included a study of rectilinear and polar co-ordinates and their application in studyinrr the point, the line, the circle, the parabola, the ellipse, the hyperbola ; also a brief discussion of transformation of equations, of the rreneral equation of the second degree, and of some of the higher plane cunes. First term of the Sophomore Year. Five lzours a week. 38. Calculus-This course comprises a careful study of the principles of Differential and Integral Calculus. Open to those who have completed courses 34, 35, 36 and 37. This course is offered as an
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