1902-1903 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 23 elective for the State in the second and third terms of the Sophomore Year. Five hours a week. GERnAN. PROFESSOR J URKAT. 39. German Reader-Rapid reading in easy German prose and poetry. Composition. T ext-book, Joynes' German Reader. One term. Five hours a week 40. Tell-Drill work in poetry. Study of German drama. T ext-book, Schiller's Tell. One term. Five hours a week. 41. Faust-Study of German tragedy and speculative philoso– phy. Text-book, Goethe's Faust. One term. Five hours a week. 42. Harzreise-German Prose. Study of social life, liberalism, etc. Text-book, Heine's Harzreise. One term. Five hours a week. 43. Barnhelm-German comedy. Study of 18th century life. Text-book, Lessing's l\Iinna von Barnhelm. One term. Five hours a week. 44. Stories-19th century prose. Revival of letters. Moden1 thought and art. Text-book, Seidel's Stories. One term. Five hours a week. Grammar drill throughout the course. FRENCH. PROFESSOR J URKAT. 45. Lessons-Drill in paradigms and syntax. T ext-book, Edgren's Grammar. Two terms. Five hours a week. 46. Stories- Rapid reading in easy French prose. Text-book, Stories by ~ Todier, etc. Qne term. Five hours a week. The course in French is elective. HEBREW. PROFESSOR JURKAT. 47 . Less ons-Drill in foundations of the language; etymology, s} ntax dncl paradigms. Reading in Genesis. Text-books, Harper' Elements of Hehr ,,. and IncluctiYe l\lethocl. Three terms. .Five hours a week.