1902-1903 Academic Catalog
CEDARYILLE COLLEGE. ReYised Te."t-book of Geology is the work used. Third term of the Junior Year. Five hours a week. 53. Astronomy-This course is largely descriptive; attention is paid to the history of the science and its progress in recent times. Young's Elements is the text-book. Spring term of Senior Year. Five hours a week. 54. Physics-This course includes the principles of the leading subjects of Physics, l\Iechanics of solids and fluids, Sound, Electricity, Magnetism, Light. Numerous problems are introduced for purposes of illustration. Experiments are performed before the class. Gage's Elements is the text-book. First and second terms of the Senior Year. Five hours a week. ENGLISH BIBLE. English Bible runs throughout the entire course of the Prepara– tory and Collegiate Departments, covering a period of six years. It is required of all students. The work is distributed as follows : First year-Patriarchal and Hebrew History, from the Creation to the Death of Solomon. Second year-Hebrew History, from the Revolt of the Ten Tribes to the Return from the Babylonian Capti,·ity, together with the Poetic and Prophetic Books. Third year-The Life of Christ. Fourth year-The Propagation of the Gospel. The text-book is Steele's Outlines of Bible Study. One hour a week. Fifth year-Advanced Work in Christology. Open only to those who have completed the-previous four years' work. Sixth year-Lives of the Apostles and their Writings. Open only to those who have completed the previous fi,·e years' work. One hour a week.
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