1902-1903 Academic Catalog
2 CEDAR\'ILLE COLLEGE. GREEK. PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY. 5. Lessons -White's Fi rst Book runs throughout the first and second terms and for four weeks of the thir d term. There are con– stan t drills in accent, breathing, pronunciation , paradigms, vocabu– lary and the translation of Greek sentences and stories into English and of English sentences into Greek. A simple and connected series of stories from the Anabasis amply prepares the student for the rapid r eading of the Anabasis. Frequen t tests are given. Five hours a week. 6. Anabasis-With the completion o f the lessons the student is introduced to the Anabasis. It is accompanied by Pearson's Compo– sition. A review of Paradigms. Syntax and Greek History is required. Third term of the Senior Preparatory Year. Five hours a week. ENGLISH. PROFESSOR SANDERSO MISS ERVIN. 7. Higher Lessons-The first term presents work in Diagram, Punctuation, Analysis, Transposition and Abridging . Reed and Kellogg is the text. First term Junior Preparatory. Five hours a week. 8. Higher Lessons-The same text is continued. The work consists of Sentence Analysis, Inflections, Technical a nd Correct Ex– pression. Second term of the Junior Preparatory Year. Five hours a week. 9. Higher Lessons-Reed and Kellogg's text is completed. Parsing, Synthesis, Syntax and Formal Expression are studied. Third term of the Junior Preparatory Year. Five hours a week. 10. Elementary Rhetoric - Following the H igher English comes Kellogg's Rhetoric. H is a simple work dealing in a clear practical way with the fundamental principles of Rhetoric and em– phasizing accurate expression and Form. Second term of t h e Senior Preparatory Year. Five hours a .week. 11. Elementary Rhetoric-Kellogg's Rhetoric is completed. The work o f the term emphasizes Composition, Sentence Structur e,
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