1902-1903 Academic Catalog
C1:.u ... • .J. ) CEDARYILLE COLLEGE. Paragraphing, Letter Writing, Formal Addresses and Prosody. Third term of the Senior Preparatory Year. Five lzours a week. HISTORY. MR. WRIGHT. 12. General History-The ancient Nations are studied. Rome and Greece occupy most of the term's work. Frequent library refer– ence is made. Myers is the text. First term of the Junior Prepara– tory Year. Ffr;e hours a week. 13. General History -Medireval history in its great movements and molding influences and modern history in its varied activities constitute th e work of the term. Myers is the text. Second term of the Junior Preparatory Year. Fiz•e lzoztrs a week. rIYTHS. PROFESSOR SANDERSON. 14. rlytholog y -The course in Myths deals principally with the mythology of the Romans and Greeks in systematic form. It is preparatory to Yergil. Guerber is the text. First term of the Senior Preparatory Year. Fiz 1 e lzours a week. NATURAL SCIENCE . l\1R. WRIGHT. 15 . Phy sical Geography-This embraces a systematic and practical study of the Atmosphere, Oceans, Lands, River , Volcanoes, Mountains, Climatic Conditions, etc. The text is Davis. Third term of the Junior Preparatory Year. Fiz•e lzours a week. MATHEMATICS. PROFESSOR A DERSON. 16 . Algebra- The course is adapted to beginners. The text used is \Ventworth's Elements of Algebra, completed to simple inde– terminate equations. First, second and third terms of the Junior Preparatory Year. Fiz,e hours a zt•t·ek. 17 . Algebra-\Ventworth's Elements of Algebra is completed. The suhJects treated are Indeterminate Equations, Inequalities, Ex-
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