1902-1903 Academic Catalog
30 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. ponents, Logarithms, Ratio, Proportion, Variation, Series, Binomial Theorem. First term of Senior Preparatory Year. Fiz,e hours a week. 18 . Geometry-Careful attention is given to the demonstration of Theorems in order to train the students in accurate and exact methods of reasoning. So far as time permits original exercises are required. The text used is ·wentworth's Revised Plane and Solid Geometry. Plane Geometry is completed in the second and third terms of the Senior Preparatory Year. Fi'l'e lio1t1 s a week. PROFESSOR JURKAT. 19. Ge rman Lessons-Drill in Paradigms and Syntax. Text– book, Collar's Shorter Eysenbach. Three terms. Five how-s a week.
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