1902-1903 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 7 ophical, the ~1usical, and the Elocution. These embrace students from most of the North Central, Middle, and some of the Southern and ·western tates, and prepare them for all professions. NEW COLLEGE BUILDING. The erection of the new College building was begun in the Spring of 1895, and completed late in the Autumn of the same year. The corner- tone was laid wi.th impressive services, June ::;.5, 1895, 1:tnd the dedication took place during the meeting of General Synod in l\1ay, r 96. The building stands in a campus of nine acres, containing about three hundred trees, and all beautifully located on the main street, north end of CedaryiJle. It is a handsome edifice of pres ed h1;ck and cut stone. The basement contains gymnasium, chemical and toilet rooms, a coal cellar and the heating apparatus. On the first floor are the chapel, the president's office, the four class rooms for :'.\lusic, German, English and Chemistry, and the main and side en– trance corridors. On the second floor are the library, waiting-rooms for ladies and gentlemen, the Greek and Latin, the Mathematical, general recitation rooms, besides the corridor. Two large society rooms occupy the entire third floor. Two wide and gently ascending stairways, one on each side of the building lead from the basement to the third story. The building is lighted with electricity, and heated l;y two furnaces. There are entrances from each of the four sicles. Standing in the center of the campus on the highest site in Ce<lan-ille, the building presents an attractive and imposing appear– ance. LOCATION OF CEDAR.VILLE. Ccclan-ille, Ohio, the eat of Cedarville College, is located on the l'itbhurg, Cincinnati , Chicago and St. Louis Railway (the little Miami I>i dsion J. It has direct communication by telephone, telegraph and railroad with ~ ' enia, eight miles southwe t ; Springfield, twelve miles north ; London, t,\·enty miles northeast; Columbus, forty-seven miles northeast , aJJ<l Cincinnati, seyenty-three miles southwest. It is in the <:enter of the :'.\Iiami \"alley, and is one of the most beautiful and h01lthful locations in Ohio. The country lying about Cedani.lle is k, d , fertile, impro,·erl, and in e\'ery way suited for a pleasant resi– dt:n e ny who have children to educate, and ,vish to be with them