1902-1903 Academic Catalog

8 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. during their college life, can find no finer region and no better society than in this co·mmunity, in addition to many other advantages gener– ally sought for by the enterprising and industrious. LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. The Faculty and students have organized a reading circle, which receives regularly the leading magazines and periodicals. The library is well supplied with the latest works in History, Biography, Science, Philosophy, Law, Letters, Fiction, Theology and Reference, including two of the latest and fullest Encyclopedias. It is free to all students. Students also may have the use of the town library by the payment of a small fee. A number of valuable curiosities from the different portions of this country, Europe and Asia, have been collected, and form a nucleus for the museum. Persons haYing in their posession curiosities of animal or geological formation are hereby ean1estly requested to con– tribute them to the college museum, and thus help us to the comple– tion of our collection. LECTURES AND ENTERTAINMENTS . The Lecture Course is under the direct supervision of the college Literary Societies. The best talent of our country and of foreign lands is secured. The course is very popular ; and it will be the aim to make it better each sea on. In addition to the college lecture course, other societies of Cedarville usually bring first-class talent. The students, therefore, have opportunity to hear the best public speakers and entertainers of the day. RELIGIOUS ADVANTAGES. There are four flourishing churches in town-Methodist Episcopal, United Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian (Synod), Reformed Presbyterian (General Synod). Each of these churches maintains a young people's prayer-meeting once a week. Ninety per cent. of the students in attendance this year are professing Christians. All stu– dents are required to attend the chur ch des ignated by the parents, who are requested to send their ·written ·wish.es as to what church their children shall attend. \Ve welcome students of all Christian denomi-