1902-1903 Academic Catalog

CEDARYILLE COLLEGE. 9 nation The enticements of sin, so plentiful in large cities and over- crowded college , are not found here. SPEClAL ADVANT AGE. Cedanille College makes no pretension to do the work of a uni– Yersity. It is content to take its place with the smaller colleges of the land. But it does promise its patrons to do well and thoroughly what– ever it claims to do. A college course is not in itself an education. It only opens the doors of a liberal education for the student. It is a beginning, not an end. This beginning we claim to be able to furnish. A university may haye hundreds of teachers in its faculty, thousand of volumes in its library, and the most costly apparatus and extensiYe laboratories. But the student will come in contact with only a few of the professors, read a few of the books, use a few of the appliances. All these he may find here. The small colleges have done and are doing a great vrnrk. They haye educated men eminent in Theology, La"·· Medicine ; Presidents, Judges, Senators. or are these cases exceptional. It will be found that a much larger per cent. of the student of smaller colleges are successful in life than of the larger colleges. It is no uncommon thing to find 90 per cent. of the gradu– ates of a small college entering the ministry. The reason is apparent -a student who habitually neglects or shirks his work can not get through, and a student who is living a fast and vicious life can not stay in one of these small colleges. Agnostics, infidels, or men who indulge in or tolerate drinking, are not found as teachers. The pro– fessors are generally consecrated Christians. All this is true of Cedar– Yille College. The professors are energetic, capable and sympathetic. They are brought into personal contact with the student daily in the class a1Hl out of the class. The classes are small so that students are olJlige<l to recite se,·eral times during each hour. No student can slight \\Ork for one day without the fact being apparent to the pro– fe. sors.