1906-1907 Academic Catalog

Cl~DARVILLI~ COLL~:Gi,: themselves in positions requiring :i thorough knowledge uf p:irli:i.• ment.'.lry law. Tho:, work nf the dubsinceorg:aniz:ttion hai; been most instructive. Questions of 1,ubtic policy arc discussed, furnishing une traiuiug in exte111i,oraneo11s i;µc:-iking ::is well as in the v;,rious (juesiuns (1f parliament:iry law. ·1 he club bas prospered sine..: its start and much good is looked for in the future. THE G.FIVELYTE ~o one thing contributes more to the broadening of a student's life than ;1 Jive college paper. It b ring:- him intocontact with other colleges and it supplies him with a medium for the expression of his opinions and it furnishes him valuable training. Such we believe is !'The Gavelyte," the first number of which appeared in January lllO~. It has increased in size and interest with each number and llas al– ready become an important agent to the student body. Edited and managed as it is by the students themselves, it is typically repre– sent:uivc of their thought and motive. SOCI.Jl-L .RND REL IGIOUS LIFE Le c tu re s and En t e r ta i n ,rn en ts 'fhc Lecture Course is under the direct supervision of the College Literary Societies. The best talent of our country and of furcign lands is secured. The course is very popular, and it will be the :1i111 to make it better each season. In addition to the college lecture course, other societies of Cedarville usually bring first-class talent. The students, therefore, have opportunity to hear the best public speakers and entertainers of the day. .Rthletics Athletic exercises arc encouraged by the Faculty and the Board of Trustees. They are under the personal supervision of the President of the college. On the college c.i.mpus there arc a first-class tennis court, base ball and foot ball grounds. Several basket-ball clubs re• presenting both sexes were organi7.ed this year. They conducted their games in the Aliord i\lemorial. An Athletic Association, formed by thestudents, helps to stimulate field sports. Tl1e college authorities will promptly check any tendency to brutality or excess in athletic contests. This can be done the more easily since the students re– cognize that the faculty sympathizes and is ready to co-operate with them in promoting legitimate and healthful sport. Srndents deficient in their studies will not be permitted to participate in inter-collegiate