1906-1907 Academic Catalog

12 SPECI./IL RULES ./IJIID ST./ITEMEJl[TS. I. The President of the Collc:c and 1hc Professors constitute tlic F.aculty. 2. Every student enrolled as a member of a certain cl.ass shall take the studies of the class, unless excused by the President. 3. No student shall be .i!\owed to discontinue any study with– out express permission from the President. 4. Beginning with the Fall of 1000, 110 studies after regular c11- tnmcc examinations shall be made up outside of recitations; and 110 ,andent without permission of the faculty shall take more than four srndiei:; besides Bible. 5. Parment of dues shall be made the first day. No student will be enrolled in any class or recognized in any recitation until he pays his dues or makes satisfactory arrangements with the treasurer for them. 6. All students are required 10 be punctual and regular in their attendance at chapel, college prayer-meeting, recitations and all other e;,,:ercises of the College. 7. Students are graded daily on recitations, punctuality and general deportment. Examinations arc held at the close of each term in studies pursued during the term. In c.i.se of failure in ex. amination a second examination shall not be given before two weeks, and upon a second failure the study must be taken again in class. Students, who fail in daily grade, will not he permitted to take the examination: but they will be required to take the subject over i11 class. 8. Students' punctuality and deportment arc included in the recitation grade. The recitation grade combined with the examina– tion grade and divided by 1wo, gives the average in any oue study. The passing grade in recitation and examination each is 05 per cent. 9. Punishment for violation of college law, abuse of privileges, or destruction of property. shall be inflicted, as the case may require by admonition. suspt:nsion, dismission or expulsion. IO. Punctual attendance is required on the first ,.by. Failure to be present results seriously to class standing. New students arc requested to present themselves. if possihle, at least one day before the opening of the term. !l, The fee for t•,:a1uiu:ni,)1H1 gi1cn Uy l'l;<.ju<·st at :lll)' olhf'r ti,.llc th.at, designated hr the cale1•dar is $ 1.UO prepaid.