1906-1907 Academic Catalog

CY.D.-. H.Vll.1.f~ t :OLLF.GF : Ii. At the close of each term statements wilh reference to the studems· slanding i11 classes, scholarship, attendance ,rnd deportment will be forwarded for ex:1mination to the parents or guardians. J3. Five absences in any subject within a term will require a special examination in that subject. 'J?..EQUIREME,NTS FO~ ADMISSION Any one who desires to enter either the P reparatory or Collegiate Department should read carefully the Special Rules and Statemeuts, should examine the Course of Study 111 the Preparatory and Collegi– ate Department, with the Review of the Dep;1r1rnents of Study an<J the following statements: Matriculation I. Any person of good ch;1racter may be matriculated as a student of Cedarville College on the following conditions:- 1. Payment of tuition and contingent fees. or satisfactory ar– rangements for the same, for which a receipt or certificate properly signed by the Registrar or Treasurer will be sufficient. 2. The prospective sLUdent sh;i.\l register his name with the name and address of a parent or responsible reference under the [allowing pledge:- "I do hereby subscribe myself a student of Cedarville College, and furthermore solemnly promise that while I illU a s1udent in this College, I will be diligent in study, punctual in attendance upon rec– itations, and chapel, strictly moral in language and conduct, respec1- ful to officers and teachers of the College, and I will faithfully con– form to all College requirements, obey all College laws and in all ways maintain strict College decorum.'· .Hge 11. As a general rule, no student will be admitted to the Fresh– man Class unless 15 years of age; nor will any one be admitted tu advanced standing without corresponding increase of age. Under this rule students should be at least rn years of age for admission to 1he Junior Preparatory year. C o#E d u c a t i o n 111. Experience has proved that the sexes should be educated together. It tends to higher culture, more refined taste, and better order than where this privilege is not granted. Accordingly students ,;f hoth sexes are admitted under the rule adopted in 18fll.