1906-1907 Academic Catalog

CEDAliVIl.f.Jt COl ,l.EC :e IS F reshman class; olherwise they will be condilioned al their own in– convt:nience, XI I. No studeut will be condiliOllcd in more than one rc6ular study running throughout the year. Students desiring to enter the Senior Collegiate Class will not be admitted with conditions. XII I. Applicants for admission to the Junior Pr<:paratory year will be examined in the following subjects prior to entcring:– R cading, Geography, U. S. History, Physiology, Penmanship, Or.a.wing, Orthography, Ray's Practical Arithmetic or equivalent, Harvey's English Grammaror equivalent. Patterson certificates or satisfactory grades from public schools will excuse an applicant from examinations in above subjects. X IV. Applicants (or admission to any class above the Junior Preparatory shall in addition to the above, either present satisfactory grades or certificates or pass examinations in all subjects already pursued by the class, which they desire to enter. XV. Students desiring to pursue one or more subjects less than a full course shall nrntriculate, and then attend such course as the Faculty advise, but they will not be regarded as candidates for degrees. XVI. Students who wish to pursue studies in Elccution or i\lusic as well as in the College, but who are not studying for a degree may select their own studies, subject to the schedule of the term aud the approval of the P resident. T hey will, however, be charged the regular rates of the departments in which they are classified . ..lllfo r d Priz e s Five pri1.es o[ $0 each in gold are offered by Rev. John Alford , D. D., and his wife, o( Beaver F alls, Pa., for the best grades and de– corum in the following five subjects:-Greck Lessons, Germ:111 Lessons, F reshman R hetoric, Chemistry, and Physics . Cnly those, who complete the subject, will be considered competitors.