1906-1907 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILI.C OOLL1'GE 10 'R.,EUI E W O F DEP./IR,TMENTS OF STUDY COLLE GI ..fl T E D E P .HR TM EN 'T- L .II TI N PROFESSORS l\lCCHESE\' AXD FITZPATRICIC 1. Cicero-The Orations against Catiline, a Philippic, and 1he Selc:cted Lcltc:rs are read. A redew of inflected forms:and essay\' on contemporaneous subjects in history arc rc:quired. Text-book is Harper ,md Gallup. First term of the Freshman Year, Fi1.•e ho11rs a week. 2. H orace's Odes-The Odes :i.re selected. Large portions (•[ all the bookswill be read. Mythology and Scansion will be dwelt upon. Essays on all the Lyric poets of Rome will be required, The text-book is Chase. Second term of the Fresiunan Yt:ar. Fi11e ho11rs a week. D. Hora c e's Satires and Epislles- Thc Satires and Epistles are studied primarilv for their morn! and hist0rical lessons. The social and governmental life of th,; Romans wdl be reproduced in essays. The text-book is Chase. Third term of the Freshman Vear. Fi-:;,e hours a week. -L Livy- T he transitivn from the Golden to the Silver Age is studied. A rapid Review of Roman History and Syntax is taken. Selections from books XX! and XXI I are read. The text-book is Cape and Malhuisli. First term of th~ Sophomore Year. Fi'.1e ho11rs a week. (S. Tacitus-The Life of Ag1icola with its personal,moral and civic lessons, the History of Britannia under the Romans, and the Historv of Germany .i.re the subjects of study. T he review o( the Latin G rammer is continued. Tcx:-book is Alle11, Second term of the Sophomore Year. Fi11e houn a w eek. 6. Juvenal-The Origin, l>e\•c:!opement and Purpose of the Satire, and the morals and custom.:; ut the Roman people under the Empire form the matter or study. The text-hook is Lindsay, Third term of the Freshman Year. Five hours a week. ln the term examinations of all Latin subjects a translation from some passage not previously studied, and the expbnations of iu