1906-1907 Academic Catalog

Ct-:D,Ut\'11.Ll,: COLLF-GR the course. The student is m,1de rarniliar with the economical prob– lems and needs o[ the day. Text-book is Ely. Third term o[ the F reshman Ye,ir. Five hours a we,:!.:. 80. I nternational Law- The study pursues the origin, pro– gress and principl~s of International Law, together with the duties of Consuls,!l\linisters, Ambassadors and the rigl,t:, and relations of na– tions. Arbitration, treaties, war and commerce are pn1.ctical subjects. The text-book is Davis. Second term of the Junior Year. Five hours a ,zvcek. 81. Constitu tional Law--The United States Constitution is the basis of study. The devclopement c.l the constitution, its ;;encral and spe..:ial applic;i,tion, ,1nd the relation of the State to the Federal Govcrr.me11t are considered. The text-book, Andrcws-r-.Jorris. Third term of the Senior Year. Fi11c hovrs a wee!.-. 32. S ociology- T his coun::e treats of the origin and scope of Sociology. the Natural H i:;;tory of a Society, Social Anatomy, Social Physiology, Pathology, and Social Pyschology. The text-book is Small and Vincent. Second term of the Senior Year. Five hours a wee!.-. E L ECT IV ES P tWF1':SSOR )URKAT. 33. Po litical H istory- In the second and third terms of the Sophomore Year, \.Vest's Ancient and Modern Histories arc offered as Electives for Calculus. These treat of a deve)opcment of the constitutions of the leading powers of the world, and comprise an in– ,•aluable store o[ political and social science. All electives arc sub– ject to tile consent of the faculty and the m;ijorily of the classes. Five hours ti week. J1'1./I T HE.J 1 1f.JfTIC S PROFESSOR F ITZPATRICK. 34. Geome try- This course completes Solid Geometry and Conic Sections. A large number of original exercises is given iu order to cultivate the power of applying princip:cs and methods already learned, and to aid the student in the mastery of his own resources. T ext used is \1/entworth's Revised Plane and Solid Geometry. F irst term of Freshman Year. Five hours a wed:. 35. Plane T rigonometry- T he points dwelt upon cspcci;1lly arc ~encral ddmitions of trigonometric (uuctions, the rclatit.;n of