1906-1907 Academic Catalog

CEIIAHVII.T.I': COLJ.f:(a : ~! ti\'itics constitute the work o[ the te rm. Myers is the text. Secund term of the Junior Prepar~tory. Five hours a 'Wef•A'. l'AYTl/OLOGY P:to P:::sSO!t j URKA'r. 14. ~fythology- The course in l\lyth5 deals principally with the mythology of the Romans and Greeks in systematic form. It is preparatory to Vergil. Guerl>cr is tl,e texl. First term of Senior Preparatory Year. Fi·ve hours a wee!.:. N.11TVJ?...flL SCIENCE PROl<'ESSOR CLEVESGEk. 15. Physical Geography- This cmhraces a systematic and practical study of the Atmosphere, Ocenns, Lands ,Rivers, Volcanoes, ~fountains, Climatic Conditions, etc. The text is Davis. Third term of the Junior Preparatory Year. Five hours a 'Wee!.-. f,1..IITHEM.RTJCS PROFESSOR FITRP.&.TRICK. 10. .Algebra-The course is adapted to beginners. The text used is Wentworth's Elements of Algebra, completed to simple inde– terminate equations. First, second and third terms of the Junior Preparatory Year. Five /tours a week. 17. .lllgebra- \1/entworth's Elements of Algehra is completed. The subjects treated are Indeterminate Equations, Inequalities, Expo– nents, Logarithms, Ratio, Proportion, Variation, Series, Binomial Theorem. First term o{ Senior Preparatory year. Five/tours a week. I 18. Gco,netry-Carcful attention is given to the demonstration o[ Theorems in order to train the students in accurate and exact methods of reasoning. So far as time permits original exercises are required, T he text used is Wentworth's Revised Plane and Solid Geometry. Plane Geometry is completed in the second and third terms of the Senior Preparatory Year. Five hours a wed:. PROFESSOR MORRIS. 19. Ger,nan Lessons- Drill in Paradigms and Syntax. Text book, Collar's Shorter Eyscnbach. Three terms. F iue hours a •week.