1906-1907 Academic Catalog

CEOARVtl,LJ.: COLLEGi;: DEP./IR._TMENT OF MUSIC MRS. JESS[!,~ RuSSKLL, Dirt'clor. This department is established to lay a thorough ;111d broad founrl– ation for the highest musical culture. The plan and cour.;c of study of the Cincinnati College of Music will be followed. Mrs. Russell, who has charge of the Department, is a taleuted graduate of the Cincinnati College. H er work at Cedarville Colleg:c has been \'Cry successful. The department this year will include Piano, Vocal and Harmony. Graduates or this department will he given a diploma. PIANOFORTE First Yea r Lebert & Stark- Vol. l . Doerner's Technical Exercises. Small Studies of Kohler, Couppy, J,oeschorn, Biehl, Diabe\li. Second Year Lebert & Stark- Oramentation. Technics- Conttnued: Major and Minor Sc;1.lcs.°Arpcirgio!<, etc, Studies b y Lemoine; Agility Studies; Czerny· Sonatinas of K11hlau, Clementi, Bach Album. H eller, Op. 47-46, Loeschorn. Third Year Technics- Continued. Sonatas-:\fozart, Clementi, Small Sonatas of 8cctliovc11, Haydn. Studies of Harberier, Cramer, Clcmenti's Gradus. Pieces of Handel. Bach Inventions, Heller, Op. 40 4 46. Fou.rth Year Sonatas of Beethoven. Haydn's Variations in F Minor. Clementi's Gradus-Continued. Mendelssohn·s Song \Vithout \Vords. Bach-Well 'l'cmpered Clavichord. Modern Composers. One- year in Harmony required, with 1wo less.,ns per week, Two ye;\ns rcc1uircd with enc lc!lson pt!r we~kt