1906-1907 Academic Catalog

40 CEDAJtVll.1.1': COl.LEGE ./ILUM N I ASSOC I ATI O N T he Alumni Association was organi1.cd in 189i, with 1hc gradu• ation of the first class. It is devoted to the welfare of the college and all the graduates so far are members. It has already materially aided the college by inAuence and means. The followiug an: the ufficers: PRES I DENT Frank Hull, '01 .... SECR,_ET.R]t Y . II.ND TR. E . .IISUR.ER Dorn Siegler ............................................................ Cedarville, 0. CO RR.E S POND l /1/G SECR.ET.IIR.Y Frank Bird, "OL .... ...........................Cedarville, 0 . V I CE PRESIDENTS S. C. Wright, '08 . J. R. Fit1.patrick, '01 .. Milton Hanna, 'OJ ....... .. .......Cedarville, 0. Xenia, 0. . Phil:l.ddphia, Pa.