1906-1907 Academic Catalog

('gJ),\ lt\l LLi!: COl.l,l!l";E DEGREES .RND DJPL01tl..lJS Students completing the Classical Course wi!l receive the degree of A. B.; those completiug the Philosophical Course will 1·eceivc the deg:ree of Pb. B. In each case a diploma signed by the faculty, tht.: President and Secretary of the Hoard of Tn.1:;tees will be given. After three years spent in some intellectual pun:uit, the degree of A. :\l. and Ph. 1\1. respectively, will be conferred, provided the re– quest is made and the regular fee of $10 is advanced. Graduates of the Department of l\lusic will be given a diploma, signed by the Di– rector of l\lusic and the Officers of the College, Faculty, and Trustees. EXPENSES IN COLLEGE DEP.llRTMEN'TS Tuition- First term, 14 weeks ................................ Tuition-Second term, 11 weeks ... Tuition- Third term, 11 weeks... 7 fiO 7 fill Incidental Expenses(Sl.50 per term ). 4 o() Boarding, per week, from .................................................... $2 00 to tl 50 Rooms, per week, from... 50 to 1 0() Books, pt:r year, from................................. ....................... 5 OU to JO 00 Graduation fee, payable with tuition in Third Senior term ........... 5 00 Fee for cost of materials, in study of Chcmistr)' ....................... 5 00 Charges to be depositt:d and after breakage has been deduct- ed remair:der will be repaid... 3 00 SU!t1M.HR Y OF EXPENSES FOR .Ii YE.FIR L owes/ Cost Boarding, a<; weeks, $2.00 to $=1.00 per week ........ $ 72 00 Room rent, 3G weeks' 50 cents to $1.00 per week. 11:l 00 Tuitiun for the year .. 23 r,o Uontingent fees... ... 4. 50 Total .......................................................... $ll8 0o lfi1;/1esl 1Vccessn1y Cost $!08 00 36 00 23@ 4 60 172 uo The above is for board, furnished room, fuel ;md light in private families. Students who board themselves or join boarding clubs can reduce the cost much lower. Club boarding is popular among col– lege students.