1906-1907 Academic Catalog

48 BEQUESTS \Ve urge upon the friends of Ccdarvi!le College the propriety of remembering it in their wills, and if possible of contributing to its endowment at once. We need $75.000. Sums of money or property amounting to $fi00 or over, will be fonded, i[ so desired in the name of the giver, and the interest alone used. It will thus become a per– petual memorial. T wenty thou•and dollars will establish a chair in the name of the donor. FORM OF BEQ U E STS I give and bequeath to"The Cedan·illc College, Cedarvillc,Ohio" the sum of $ ............... ,or the following property (here specify and de- scribe the property) for the uses and purposes for which said corpor– ation is authori:r.cd by law to·acquire and hold property, and the re– ceipt of the T reasurer of said College shnll be a sufficient discharge to my executor. For other particulars address, DAVID McKINNEY, D, D., President, 1038 \.Vesley Avenue, Cincinnati, 0. or \V. R. McCH ESNEY, Secrelary, Cedarville, 0 .