1906-1907 Academic Catalog

Cl'!:DARVILLE <.:OLl,EGli: GENER..flL INFOR_M./JTION HISTORY The Cedarville College was chartered with full power by the state of Ohio in January 1887. On \Vednesday, September 19, JSS:H, the college opened for instruction in the mansion formerly owned by Rev. Hugh Macl\lillan, D. U., where over a third of a century ago he conducted an academy, frum which were graduated many noted personages. Tlte accommodations not heing sufficient for the need! ul the growing institu1ion, in the second year the present building was erected and opened on the site purchased several years before. Both tlte building and the campus are till' gifts of generous friends. Though young, the college has already exerted a l.tsting and wide– felt influence. Its students and graduates take prominent places in seminarie;;. u11iversitics and 01her advanced schools of training. ,\!any of them arc worthily filling positions of power and inllucnce in America and foreign lands. The college includes five depart• mcnts: the Preparatory, the Classical, the Philosophical, the Musical, and the Elocution. In these are students from various part;; of the Uui!cJ S1:ncs preparing for all professions and pursuits of life. ENDOWMENT .AND JNCO)UE Gibson Fund The Cedarville College had its practical origin through the !ih– eralily of \\ .illi.un Gibson, Esq. of Cincinnati, who bequeathed $io0()(} for the endowment fund of a college to be erected at Cedar– ville, Ohio, in memory of his fa1hcr, Peter Gibson, for many years a promineat member and ruling elder in the First Reformed Presby– tt-ria:1 congregation of Cincinnati. Cooper Fund By the will of the late Robert M. Cooper, a ruling elder io the Cedarville Reformed Presbyterian congregation, the college, in 1he Fall of 111u$, came into poscssion of two-thirds of his farm valued at $0000. T hou.gh dead t.':ese m e n ye"l speak. Their mttmory is precious. Harper Fund Mr. G. W. Ilarper and wife of Cedarville generously gave $6000