1906-1907 Academic Catalog

(£D,lR\'f!.I.R COLL !!:Gli! for the founding and mainten,wcc of ;1 chair in Finance, Banking, Transportil.tion and Economics; provided the friends of the college rai:.e an :idditional $WOO. Tl1is fund has been raised, and it is e:.– p1tctcU to h:1vc lc..:tures in the !'.11hjcct durin:{ the \Vintcr term of 1Uo7 and to begiu instruction in :-:icptcmbcr J\}07. Ja m.e s Lyo ns Fun d The college is gratefully m(!cht::!d to ~.rr. John R. Lyons of M<Hissa, Illinois, who recently gave $f,OO to be funded as a memorial to his son, James Lyons, who gayc !:is life a sacrifice to his country during the Civil War. l ncorne The income of the college consists of the interest from its en– dowment, voluntary subscriptions and offerings from friends, collec– tions from the d ifferent congrcgat:vns under the care or the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyteri,rn church, and the tuition of the students. T he college needHand should have now ~i500t) to do what it wants todo for its patrons. The col lege is pledged to a Christia11 education along al! lines. Reader rou may nol be ahle to 'g1ve all or even a considerable :imouut of the $7uC..luU but you can give some– thing aud you can not hesww )'M ir gifts where they will be more hC'nrtily appreciated, better ust:d, and result iu such permanent good to humanity. Consider this a can from the Lord fur the bcstowment of your goods. LOC.ll 'TIO N OF CED ..ff R,_ VIL LE Cedarville, Ohio, the seat of Cerbrville College, is located on the P ittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis lbilway, ( the Little Miami division) . It has a direct communic;ition by telegraph, telephone,a11d railroad with Xenia, eight miles fel1uthwest; Springfield, twelve miles north; London, twenty-two miles northeast; Columbus, forty-seven miles northeast, and Cincinnati, ZC'\·e:ity-:hree miles southwest. It is; in the northern part of the Miami \'alley, and is one of the most beau– tiful and healthful locations in Ohio. The coulltry lying about Ce– darville is levcl,{ertile, improved, :rnd in every way suited for a pleas– ant residence. Any who have children to educate, <111d wish LO he with them during their college lift·, can find no liner region and no better society than in this community, in addition to m.iny other ad– vantages genera lly sought for by the enterprising and industrious,