1907-1908 Academic Catalog

CHD.-\ RVILT,1'; COT,I, HGH. o f the appliances . All of these he may find here. The small colleg es hm·e done ancl arc doing a great work. They liave educated m e n eminent in Theology, Law, Medicine; Presidents, Judges , Senators. Nor are these cases exceptional. It will be found that a much larger per cent. of the students of smaller colleges are successful in life than of the larger colleges. It is no uncommon thing to find fifty per cent. of the graduates of a small college entering the ministry . 'fhe reason is apparent-a student who hahitually neglects or shirks his v.;ork can not get through , and a student who is lidng a fast and dcious life can not stay in one of these small colleges . Agnostics, infidels, or men who indulge in or tolerate drinking are not found as teachers. The professors are generally consecrated Christians . All this is true of Cedarville College . The professors are energetic , capable and sympathetic . They are brought into personal contact with the student daily in the class and out of the class. The classes are small, so that students are obliged to recite se,·eral times during each hour. No student can slight work for one day v,·ithout the fact being apparent to the professors. Special Rules and Statements. ,, r. ,_fhe President of the College and the Professors constitute the Faculty. 2. Every student enrolled as a member of a certain class shall take the studies of the class, unless excused by the President. 3. No student shall be allowed to discontinue any study with– out express pern1ission from the President. 4. Payment of dues shall be made the first day. No student will be enrolled in any class or recognized in any recitation until he pays his dues or makes satisfactory arrangements ,vith the treasurer for them. 5. All students are required to be punctual and regular in their attendance at chapel, College prayer-meeting, recitations and all other exercises of the Colleg e.