1907-1908 Academic Catalog

CED.\R\'11,I,E cor,I.HCE. 17 COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. FRESHMAN YEAR. The figures to the right of the subject refer to the courses cle– scrihed in the pages immediately follo-wing this outline. FIRS'!' 'l'ER:.\I. English-Rhetoric, Practical Elements and Handbook, Genung, 23. ::\Iathematics-Geometry and Conic Sections, \\·entworth , 34. Latin-Cicero de Senectute et .--\111icitia, Chase and Stuart, 1. '' 1 G reek-Anahasis, Harper and \\.allace. Prose Composition, Jones, 7. *German-Reader, Lange, 39. SECOND TER:.\I. English-Rhetoric, Practical Elements ancl Handbook , Genung, 24. l\Iathematics-Trigonometry, \\·entworth, 35. Latin-Horace's Odes and Epocles, Chase and Stuart, 2. *Greek-Homer's I1ia<l, Seymour. Prose Composition:, Jones, S.. *Gern1an-Reader, Lange, 39. THIRD 'l'ER:.\I . . Economics-Outlines, Ely, 29. 1\Iathematics-Trigonometry, \\·ent\vorth, 36. Latin-Horace's Satires and Epistles, Chase and Stuart, 3. *Greek-Herodotus, Johnson. Prose Composition, Jones, 9. *Gennan-Goethe's Faust, Thomas, 41. English Bible, 55, one hour, other subjects five hours, each week. *Greek for Classical, German for Philosophical Course. SOPHOMORE YEAR. FIRST T:ER:.\l. Science-Chemistry, :McPherson and Henderson, 48. I Mathematics-Analytical Geometry, Tanner and Allen, 37. 1 or 1 Economics-Principles, Gide, 29a. or Comparative Government-The State, \\.ilson, 31a. Latin-Livy, Capes and 1\1elhuish, 4. *Greek-Memorabilia , \Vinans, 10. *German-Harzreise, Van Daell, 42.