1907-1908 Academic Catalog

CED.\R\'II,LE COT.LEGE. SECOND TER:\1. Science-Chemistry, I,aboratory \\"ork, Xoyes, 49. { lvlathematics-Calculus, Young and Linebarger, 38. or History-Ancient, \\"est, 33. Latin-Tacitus, Germania and Agricola, Allen, 5. *Greek-Plato's Apology, Dyer, T1. *German-Tell, Lambert, 40. Science-Chemistry, Laboratory \Vork, ~oyes, 50, { lvia·hematics-Calculus, Young and Linebarger, 38. or History-:\Ioclern, \Vest, 33. Latin-Jm·enal, Lindsay, 6. *Greek-Plato's Crito, Dyer, r 1. *German-Leberecht Huhnchen, Bernhardt, 43. English Bible, 55, one hour, other subjects five hours, each week. *Greek for Classical, German for Philosophical Course. JUNIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM. Science-Zoology, Eleme11ts, Packard, 5 r. Psychology-Presentation and Representation, Porter, 14. English-Literature, Painter, 25. *Greek-Demosthenes de Corona, D'Ooge, 12. *History-Colonial Era, Fisher, 20. SECOND TERM. { Economics-Finance and Banking, \Vhite, 29b. or · Political Science-International J__,aw. Da,·is, 30. Psychology-Thought and Intuition, Porter, 15. English-Literature, Painter, 26. *Greek-Demosthenes (le Corona, D'Ooge, 12. *History-American Revolution, Sloane, 2 r. THIRD TERl\I. Logic-Elements, Jevons-Hill, 28. Psychology-Intellect, Feeling, Desire, \Vill, Da,·is, 16. English-American Literature, Painter, 27. *Greek--Prometheus, \Vecklcin-Allcn, 13. *History--The Making of the ~ation, \Valk.er, 22.