1907-1908 Academic Catalog

cgn.\R , Tn.1,E cor,LHGE. 21 arc 111adc 011 para< ligms, constructions, worcls, history and the Greek army. First term of the l<'reshman Year. Five lzours a week. 8. Homer--Three books of the Ilia<l arc required. Scanning, Mythology. Peculiarities of the Dialects, Customs ancl Rites, ancl the Homeric Question are studied. The stll(lent is led to form a taste for Homeric Literature. Secou<l term of Freshman Year. J-.,-'ive hours a zecek. 9. Herodotus-Selections are read. A review of the persons an<l nations mentioned in the subject is taken. Inflections aml syntax are emphasized. Thinl term of the Freshman Year. .Fiz 1 e lzours a zueck. 10. Memorabili a -The Memorabilia is introductory to the study of Plato. Participles are a feature of special clrill. The Life ancl Teachings of Socrates and their effect 011 succeeding ages are themes of study and essay writing. Daily composition. First term of the Sophomore Year. Five hours a week. 11. P lato--The Apology and Crito continue the study of Socrates. Grecian Philosophy is reviewed. Second and thinl terms of the Sophomore Year. Five lzours a zueek. r2. De m osthe nes ---;-The oration on the Crown 1s studied. Greek Oratory, Rhetoric an<l Argumentation are themes of investiga– tion. Demosthenes is stucliecl in comparison with other leading orators of the ·world. First and second terms of the Junior Year. .Five lzours a week. r3. P rometheus-Prometheus furnishes investigation of the Drama, ·1.Hetre, l\lythology, Style. Peculiar Forms and Expressions of the work, together with Mrs. Bro,,·ning's Translation, are carefully studied. The third term of the Junior year. Fiz 1 e lzours a week. Passages not pre,·iously stuclie<l may be required for tra11slatio1-i. ancl critical explanation in all G1·eek subjects in the term tests. Grammatical drill throughout the course. PSYCHOLOGY, ETHICS AND APOLOGETICS. PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY. 14. Psychology--The relation of Psychology to other sciences. Presentation, Presentative Knowledge, Sense-Perception aml Con– sciousness and a history of Theories open the subject of Psychology. Required of Juniors. First term of the year. Five lzours a week. 15. Psychology-Theories, Representation in its forms of Memory, Imagination and Phantasy, Thought under the hea(ls of the Concept , Judgment arnl Reasoning, and Intuitions such as the Real