1907-1908 Academic Catalog

22 CED.-\RVII.I.E COLI.EGE. Formal awl Mathematical, furnish the subjects of the second term. The second term of the Junior Vear. Fiz 1 e hours a week. 16. Psychology-A review of Consciousness, Perception, Rep– resentation, Thought and Intuition. Studies in the Emotions a11<1 the \Vill. Five lzours a week. 17. Christian Ethics-Practical a nd Theoretical Ethics will receive attention. Virtue, \Vill, Freedom, Duty, Guides of Practice, Individual and Social Ethics are Studied. First term of the Senior Year. J"i'ive hours a week. 18. Theism-Natural Theology presents the Re,·elation of Gorl in Nature. The arguments on Ontology, Causation, Teleology, History and Moral Reason are investigated. Second term of the Senior Vear. .Five !tours a week. 19. Apologetics-Rationality of Christianity, Comparative Religion, Inspiration, Genuineness, Authenticity, Internal and Ex– ternal Evidence and the Canonicity of the Scriptures are stU<lie<L Thin1 term of the Senior Year. .f,'iz,e hours a zueck. HISTORY. PROFESSOR JCRKAT. 20, 21, 22. History-Advanced History, which is require<l in the Junior Philosophical and electiYe in the Senior year, consists of studies of at least six different epochs in the worl<l's history. The epochs a<;signerl and the text-books will be changed from time to time as the exigencies of the classes and of the courses demand. Fi,x hours a week. ELECTIVES. Students in both courses may elect History for French or Hebrew 111 the Senior Vear. All elections are subject to the consent of the Faculty a11<1 the majority of the class. ENGLISH AND LOGIC. PROI1IiSSOR MORRIS. 23. Rhetoric-Expression of simple, clear, fluent, for'cihle aml elegant English . Composition, Style, Pigures of Speech, lll\·entio11, Thought, Prosody and Argumentation are the subjects of study. First term of the Freshman Year. Fiz. 1 e l!ours a u•eek. 24. Rhetoric-Ach·ancecl Composition, Essays, Del.iates ancl the continuation of the text-book stu<ly. Seconcl term of the Freshman Year. Fiz 1 e hours a week