1907-1908 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILl.E COLT.EGE. FRENCH. PROFESSOR JURKAT. 44. Lessons-Drill in paradigms and syntax. Two terms. I •zz 1 e lzours a week. 45. Stories-Rapid reading in easy French prose. One term. F'iz 1 e hours a week. The course in French is elective. HEBREW. PROFESSOR JURKAT. 46. Lessons-I.Jrill in foundations of the language; etymology, syntax, and paradigms. Reading in Genesis. Three terms. Five lzours a week. The course is elective. NATURAL SCIENCE. PROFESSOR FITZPATRICK. 47. First Term Chemistry-This course is an introduction to the study of general chemistry. An extended stuc1y is made of Oxygen, Chlorine ::N"itrogen, Sulphur, and Carbon, the more important of the acid forming elements, which are best adapted to illustrate the general principles of chemistry. Special attention is paid to the laws governing chemical action. The fundamental principles of chemistry having been learned, the elements are now studied in groups, am1 the special characte1 istics of each group obtained. Sufficient time is spent in the laboratory for the student to perform experiments, illustrating the principles studied. Five /zours a week. 48. Second Term-This course is a systematic study of the qualitative analysis of metals. The object of this course is not only that the student may obtain a knowledge of qualitative analysis, but that his powers of observation may be developed. Tht:. reactions are explained by the Ionic Theory, and the student is required to ·write the equation for each reaction. Fiz 1 e hours a week. 49. Third Term-This course is a continuation of the work of the second term. It is a systematic study of the qualitative analysis of the acids. Salts and alloys are also analyzed. r'iz1e lzou,~s a wee! ..·. 50. Zoology-This course is a brief, comprehensive study of the animal kingclom, commencing with the protozoans and ending with man. Characteristic types of the various classes of animal are studied and examined. The student is encouragefl to collect and study his own specimens. Fall term of Junior Vear. F'£z 1 e hours a week. 51. Geology-This course includes a brief study of the general