1907-1908 Academic Catalog

CED,\ R \ ' 11,1,E cor,r,1,;r.1<;. PIANOFOR.TE. l<'JRST VEAR. Lebert & Stark-Vol. 1. Doen1er's Technical Exercises. Small Studies of Kohler, Couppey, Loeschorn, Riehl , Diabelli. SHCOND VEAR. Lebert & Stark-Ornamentation. Teclrnics-Continued, l\!Iajor and Minor Scales, Arpeggios, etc S t udies by Lemoine; Agility Studies; Czerny. Sonatinas of Kuhlau, Clemen t i, Bach Album, Heller, Op. 47-46, Loeschorn. THIRD VEAR. Technics-Continued. Sonatas-Mozart, Clementi, Small Sonatas of Beethoven, Haydn. Studies of Harberier, Cramer, Clementi's Gradus. Pieces of Handel. Bach Inventions, Heller, Op. 46-45. FOURTH YE,\R. Sona tas of Beethoven. Haydn's Variations in F Minor. Clementi's Gradus-Continued. Mendelssohn's Song Without \:Vorcls. Bacl;-'.\7ell Tempered Clavichord. lVfodern Composers. One year in Harmony required, with two lessons per ,veek. Two years required with one lesson per week. Production of tone. Scales and Inten·als. VOICE. FIRST YE.\R. Exercises for the Cultivation of Fluency. SECOND YEAR. Exercises for the Cultivation of Fluency continued– Ioffeggi--Sight reading~ Exercises in Vocalization.